13 July 2008

Thumbs down to iPhone in Oz

The plans are simply unaffordable. We are being ripped off by the carriers. I was going to post about this, but a friend beat me to it with a better post on his blog.
As a fan of Apple (two Mac laptops and three iPods, including a Touch) I am very disappointed that I won't be able to by an Apple iPhone to replace my VERY old Siemens ME45.
Here is the link to Paul's post about iPhones in Oz.


Animosiman said...

Despite not being an Apple fan I nearly got one. Being Gen X I want to keep up with Gen Y, even though I can't really afford it.

I decided against it because I don't think the iPhone is that crash hot, the new Sony Ericsson Xperia is THAT much better. And not limited by Apple tech.

You could buy one outright though, not a bad price for an 8gig phone.

Wait a year, get an SE and be glad you didn't get the iPhone.

Plus, everyone is going to look slightly uncool when they pull out their conformist iPhone.

Unknown said...

Thanks, I had a look at the SE Xperia online, but it may not be out for a while and my old phone is nearly dead. I like the idea of a PDA phone and my sister likes her Palm Treo. I used to have some palm PDAs, but they eventually got hard to use for various technical reasons (poor screens, bad keyboards, etc.). Hopefully their technology has moved on since.